Jason Osburn, PE
Senior Project Engineer
Jason is a well-rounded senior transportation engineer with more than 22 years of experience, with the last 15 years primarily in the design and construction of roads and highways. He has managed highway design projects and prepared numerous plan specification and estimate (PS&E) plan sets for a range of transportation projects. Jason’s experience as a field engineer on several projects gives him valuable practical insight to the construction process. He is very familiar with project development processes, procedures and standards for a variety of agencies.

What are you most likely doing on the weekends?
Shuttling the kids around to their activities, walking the dog and smoking some meat on the BBQ. -
If you weren’t doing your current job, what would be your dream job?
A food truck owner. -
What is a fun fact few people know about you?
I attended the Malice at the Palace game in Detroit. -
What are you curious about?
Why I still can't regularly break 90 in golf. -
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?
To determine the truth in the news.