Linnzi Reilly
As Controller, Linnzi manages R&M’s financial accounting and integrated project reporting system, ensuring the firm’s financial health and profitability. She has been with R&M since 2007 beginning with the role of Accounting Supervisor and has 21 years of business management and accounting experience. Linnzi’s experience and history with the firm gives her deep insight into the firm’s financial matters. Her responsibilities include financial reporting and audit oversight, employee benefit plan management, 401(k) plan administration, G/L accounting, FAR compliance, employer payroll, quarterly tax preparation, business insurance plan coordination, company stock management, and Deltek Vision configuration and administration.

What places are on your travel bucket list?
Anywhere on an ocean or up a mountain: Thailand, Via Fierrata, The Mediterranean, The Alps... -
What are you most likely doing on the weekend?
Relaxing, playing outside, watching whatever sporting event my kids have going on. -
If you weren’t doing your current job, what would be your dream job?
I'd really love to be a gym teacher. Any grade. Health and fitness are so important to learn as a kid, plus it would keep me motivated to stay active. -
What is one skill you are currently working on?
So many skills but the ones I’m most excited about are backcountry skiing (I've only gone 2x and I love it!!) and mountain biking (super novice but getting more brave on the single tracks). -
What are your favorite books?
I enjoy a good hero troupe. I have the hardest time choosing a book though and rely very heavily on recommendations. The last series of books I read that I enjoyed were the Red Rising books.