
Hydrographic Survey of Kuskokwim River Section

Hydaburg Dam Site Survey, Remote Sensing

Newtok Airport Relocation, Remote Sensing

Sterling Highway MP 44.5 to 58 Reconstruction, Remote Sensing

Sterling Highway MP 44.5 to 58 Reconstruction ROW Mapping

Kivalina Evacuation and School Site Access Road

Nome Sea Storm Permanent Repairs: Nome-Council Road MP 14-32

Captain William Henry Moore Bridge Replacement

Port of Alaska Asset Management System Development

UAA GIS Implementation Concept Plan and Implementation

Comprehensive Recreational Trails Plan Update (GIS)

Kodiak Ferry Terminal and Dock Improvements

Anchorage Sand Storage Building

Airport Heights Elementary School Addition and Renovation

Alaska Airlines Maintenance Hangar Inspections and Testing

AMATS Destination UMED Transportation Demand Management Study

Alyeska Highway/Seward Highway Intersection Improvements (Public Involvement)

Town Square Park Master Plan Update

Seward Housing Feasibility Studies

AMATS 2050 Transportation Plan Update for Anchorage and Chugiak-Eagle River

Valdez New Harbor Development, Permitting

Aleknagik Wood River Bridge, Permitting

Palmer Station Pier Replacement, Permitting

Comprehensive Recreational Trails Plan

South Westchester Bridge Replacement

Chanshtnu Park Master Plan and Design

Launch Pad 3 Environmental Assessment

Denali Highway MP 25 – Rock Creek Bridge Replacement

Glenn Highway Capacity Improvements, Materials Testing

Aniak Airport Runway Shift, Materials Testing

Seward Highway MP 25.5 to 36, Trail River to Sterling Wye Rehabilitation Survey Services

Nanwalek-Port Graham Airport Relocation Survey

Sterling Highway MP 44.5 to 58 Reconstruction Survey Services

Kalifornsky Beach Road MP 9.6 Repairs

Nenana Little Goldstream Bridge Replacement

Emmonak Floodplain Mapping

Seward Grant Programs and Infrastructure Bill Research

Palmer Station Pier Replacement

Valdez New Harbor Development

Port of Alaska Petroleum Cement Terminal

Seward Highway MP 100-105 Improvements (H&H)

Water Street Trestle No. 2 (Geotechnical)

Glenn Highway MP 92-97 Slope Stabilization

Port of Alaska Petroleum Cement Terminal (Geotechnical)

Materials Sampling, Testing and Inspection Services Term Agreement

Water Street Trestle No. 2

Danby-Wembley Roundabout

Aleknagik Wood River Bridge

Kipnuk School Renovation

Eagle River 690 PZ Intertie

Port of Alaska Petroleum Cement Terminal Utilities

Hydaburg Dam Site Survey

Port of Nome Modification, Phase I (Hydrographic)

Iliuliuk Bay Channel Navigation Improvements

Glenn Highway Capacity Improvements

C Street Extension – Dimond Boulevard to O’Malley Road

Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport Concourse C Redevelopment

Seward Highway Reconstruction: Canyon Creek Bridge

Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project

Pipeline Haul Road (Dalton Highway)

Trans Alaska Pipeline System

Dalton Highway MP 18-37 Reconstruction (Geology)


Anchorage Museum Expansion

Upper Tanana Health Center

Southcoast Airport Structure Removal

Alaska Airlines Maintenance Hangar Environmental Support

FAI PFAS Site and Groundwater Characterization

McGrath Airport Reconstruction and Erosion Protection

Bethel Airport Main Runway Reconstruction

Biorka Island Dock Replacement (NEPA)

Saint Paul Harbor Grant Assistance

Nome Airport Rehabilitation 2019

Newtok Airport Relocation

Haines Beach Road Landslide

Lutak Dock Replacement, RAISE GRANT and PIDP Grant