R&M performed IBC special inspections and materials testing during construction of the 100,000 SF hangar. IBC special inspections for soils, reinforcing steel, cast-in-place concrete, structural steel components and post-installed anchors all worked together to ensure the structure was built according to plans and specifications. R&M inspected various structural elements, including verifying soils bearing capacities at bottom of excavations and monitoring structural backfilling. R&M also inspected concrete form dimensions, reinforcing steel placement, anchor rod grades, sizes, lengths, template layouts and embeds. Our scope included testing of the on-site and import soils and extended to the civil work associated with the hangar, including concrete curb and gutter, concrete hardstands, and asphalt paving testing for parking areas, access roads and the hangar apron.
Located at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, this facility serves as the regional headquarters for Alaska Airlines and includes a large aircraft maintenance bay designed to service Boeing 737/737 Max and other wide body airport. The facility also includes associated training and support areas.

Services for this Project